In Anglophone journals and books:
"Migration as a Matter of International Concern," Res Publica, 28:3 (2022): 435-44.
"Human Rights and Inequality," Philosophy & Public Affairs, 47:4 (2019): 347-77.
"Pirates and Torturers: Universal Jurisdiction as Enforcement Gap-Filling," The Journal of Political Philosophy 23:4 (2015): 471-90.
"International Law and Theories of Global Justice," Proceedings of the American Society of International Law 114 (2020): 277-88, (Panel discussion with Steven Ratner, David Luban, Carmen Pavel, and James Stewart) (SSRN, PhilPapers).
Review of Seana Shiffrin, Speech Matters: On Lying, Morality, and the Law (Princeton Univ. Press, 2014), Political Theory 48:5 (2020): 649-52.
Review of Diana Tietjens Meyers (ed.), Poverty, Agency, and Human Rights (Oxford Univ. Press, 2014), Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, April 3, 2015.
In Korean journals and books:
"어퍼머티브액션(affirmative action)의 종말과 적극적 조치의 미래", <<미국학 논집>> 55:2 (2023): 25-49.
"The End and Future of Affirmative Action in the United States," Journal of American Studies 55.2 (2023): 25-49.
"인권, 평등, 차별: 이론적 조감", <<인권연구>> 5:2 (2023): 1-25.
"Human Rights, Equality, and Discrimination: A Conceptual Overview," Journal of Human Rights Studies, 5:2 (2023): 1-25.
"대입 추첨제는 어떤 문제의 답이 될 수 있을까? 능력주의 비판론과 평등주의 이론의 관점에서", <<법철학연구>> 25:1 (2022): 3-26.
"On the Idea of Lottery Admissions as a Response to Meritocratic Ills," Korean Journal of Legal Philosophy, 25:1 (2022): 3-26
"법원을 넘어서: 국제인권법의 효과적 국내이행을 위한 향후 과제", 송지우, 백범석, <<국제법학회논총>> 66:1 (2021): 121-55.
"Beyond Courts," with Buhm-Suk Baek, Korean Journal of International Law 66:1 (2021): 121-55.
"인공지능과 언어정의", 한소원 외, <<호모마키나>>(커뮤니케이션북스, 2020).
"Artificial Intelligence and Linguistic Justice,” in S. Han, ed., Homo Machina (Communication Books, 2020).
"법과 정치", 강원택 외, <<정치학의 이해>>(박영사, 2019).
“Law and Politics,” in W. Kang, ed., Understanding Politics (Pakyoungsa, 2019)
"파리 기후변화협정 하에서 한국의 공정하고 효율적인 기후변화 대응방안에 대한 시론", 김현섭, 송지우, 주병기, 허은녕, <<한국혁신학회지>> 14:3 (2019): 301-31.
"A Study on Korea's Fair and Efficient Climate Policies under the Paris Agreement," with Hyunseop Kim, Biung Ghi Ju, and Eunnyeong Heo, Innovation Studies 14:3 (2019): 301-31.
"주권과 보충성: 개념 검토를 통해 본 국제법 규범 이론의 필요성", <<법철학연구>> 21:2 (2018): 383-416.
“Sovereignty and Subsidiarity,” Korean Journal of Legal Philosophy 21:2 (2018): 383-416.
"정의와 협동", <<철학적 분석>> 38 (2017): 263-90.
“Justice and Cooperation,” Philosophical Analysis 38 (2017): 263-90
"말, 거짓말, 도덕적 진보", <<철학사상>> 63 (2017): 121-44.
"Speech, Lies, and Moral Progress," Chul Hak Sa Sang (Philosophical Ideas) 63 (2017): 121-44
"일반 의지 아래의 자유", <<철학사상>> 49 (2013): 85-113.
"Freedom Under the General Will," Chul Hak Sa Sang (Philosophical Ideas), 49 (2013): 85-113.